[Ipe-discuss] Infinite canvas
Soeren Nickel
soeren.nickel at ac.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Feb 4 19:47:54 CET 2022
Hi Lluís,
While I am not sure if an ipelet could be written, which dynamically
enlarges the drawing area whenever something isplaced outside of the
canvas or the user scrolls beyond the canvas, I think this would be an
unnecessarily complicated solution for this problem. I attached a .isy
stylefile, which defines the canvas to be excessively enormous (500000 x
500000) far exceeding what ipe can display at once in the viewer by
default (something which you can change in the prefs.lua), making it for
most common applications "infinite". And to be honest I find it quite
disorienting, so I also attached a more reasonable 5000 x 5000.
Simply hit Ctrl + Shift + s, add the .isy file and hit Ok. You can
obviously also manually change the numbers in the style file and create
any size and aspect ratio canvas you want.
On 04.02.22 15:44, Lluís Alemany Puig via Ipe-discuss wrote:
> Dear all,
> Recently, I've been using IPE to make diagrams to help me carry out my
> research in my thesis. These diagrams tend to be large and more often
> than not I can't put two of them next to each other. And so, I
> eventually "run out" of space in the canvas while most of it being
> empty. I just can't use the remaining space because diagrams would
> overlap. I know I can use the gray area, but I can't see clearly
> whatever is on it.
> So I was thinking to enlarge the canvas using the <layout> field in a
> personal stylesheet. Similar to presentation.isy. However, I can
> foresee the same problem happening again (and then having to enlarge
> the canvas, and repeat).
> Does IPE have an option to make the canvas "infinite"?
> Thank you all,
> Lluís.
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