[Ipe-discuss] ipe 7.1.0 (or latest) for windows

Ernest Menville menville.ernest at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 09:38:34 CEST 2012

Thanks a lot for that!

2012/10/22 Otfried Cheong <otfried at ipe.airpost.net>

> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012, at 20:21, Alex Koudrin wrote:
> > I'd like to change colour to quite a few objects in many of my diagrams.
> > I
> > therefore would like to bulk select a part of my diagram and set the
> > colour, rather than laboriously clicking every single object and changing
> > its colour - which I'll have to do if there's no other way in 7.0.10
> > version.
> Even in 7.0.10, you can just select all the objects, and then change the
> color in the Properties tool - it will change the color of all the
> objects at once.  No need to wait for 7.1.x...
> > P.S. I would even consider downloading the appropriate compilers and try
> > to
> > compile Ipe myself if it's not too difficult. An executable from the
> > developers would be nice though :)
> I started work on a Windows version of Ipe that uses the native Windows
> API (not Qt), and which is nearly done.  Finishing this is now my top
> priority for Ipe (thanks to several people who recently asked her not to
> abadon Windows :-) - I hope to get this done during the winter break.
> In principle it should also be possible to install the compilers and
> tools for compiling Ipe with Qt on Windows, but I simply don't have time
> to worry about that right now.   The new port won't be as pretty as
> using Qt, but it will be much easier to maintain (as it only uses very
> stable parts of the Windows API).
> Cheers,
>   Otfried
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