[Ipe-discuss] (how) can I use \cite and \ref commands in IPE for embedding in a large document?

T T t34www at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 15 00:19:41 CET 2011

On 14 March 2011 15:49, elwood151 <elwood151 at web.de> wrote:
> Hi Tomek,
> thank you, I'll try that.
> Do I get it right, that I'll have to:
> * compile the LateX document n times until all refs and cite commands are ok
> (at the moment, as things are evolving, the bibliography is constantly
> growing and so the numbers of the citations may change)
> * then "re-compile" all ipe documents, so that they get the correct citation
> numbers from the fresh aux file
> * and then finally do one (?!) last pdflatex run to incorporate the latest
> versions of the IPE graphics?

Looks about right, dunno how robust this will be in practice.  A piece
of advice: having used some weird setups in the past I can only tell
you that simpler usually works better---I would rather make the
graphics self-contained and move any referencing to the caption (you
will thank me later :)



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