[Ipe-discuss] changing font to gulliver

Tim Hutt tdhutt at gmail.com
Fri May 1 15:02:18 CEST 2009

2009/5/1 Alexander Wolff <awolff at win.tue.nl>:
> hi,
> i just got the galley proof
> (see http://www.win.tue.nl/~awolff/galleyproof.pdf )
> from an article we submitted to the journal CGTA.
> the publisher, elsevier, sets the article in a different font (gulliver?)
> than in the style file that they distribute.  unfortunately, they don't
> bother to also change the fonts in the (ipe) drawings (even worse, they
> apparently raster them...).  to me, the mixing of fonts looks ugly.
> does anyone know how to switch the font in ipe/latex to (the CGTA version
> of) gulliver?

The easiest way to change the font is to go to edit->document
properties->preamble   and add '\usepackage{palatino}' (or another
font package). There doesn't seem to be a font package for gulliver
and I'm not sure how you make one. It's probably easier to choose a
similar looking font for which there is a package. palatino might

List of latex fonts: http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/alphfonts.html
More info: http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/textprocessing/fonts.html

Also the rasterising is pretty evil. Make them do it properly! I've
sent Elsevier IPE figures and they didn't rasterise them in the past.


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