[Ipe-discuss] Presentation in ipe

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Wed Aug 13 16:52:15 CEST 2008

Yogi wrote:
> * Every time I make changes to style sheets, I have to delete the
> older style sheet from Edit|Stylesheets menu, and then again add the
> same stylesheet for changes to take place. It seems kind of
> cumbersome. Is there a better way? Can I ask ipe to reload
> stylesheets.

The function "Update style sheets" (in the edit menu) does exactly what 
you want.  For this to work, your style sheet must be named, and must be 
available in a file with the same name and extension .isy in the same 
directory as the Ipe document.

> * I am having issues with grouping objects. I cannot reliably select
> multiple objects some times (it is non-deterministic!). I am not sure
> whether there are some issues with the interface or not, but I was
> thinking of editing the resulting xml file using the <group> tag (I
> have read the ipe manual, and I kind of understand the file format
> now). But that is cumbersome too. If I am editing a pdf file, I need
> to save it as xml, change the xml in some editor, reload the xml, and
> convert it back to pdf (phew!). Is there a quicker way to make some
> changes to ipe figure via an editor?

I am still having problems with key events not being handled correctly 
by Qt on Linux.  This often causes the space key not being recognized 
while trying to select objects.  I'm not going to do anything about 
this, as I'm not going to use Qt in Ipe 7.


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