[Ipe-discuss] font problem

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Tue Dec 11 02:49:02 CET 2007

Ryan Krauss wrote:
> I am using ipe-6.0pre28 on ubuntu 7.10, running texlive.  

but later says:
> ryan at ryan-duo-laptop:~/downloads/ipe-6.0pre30/ipe-6.0pre30$ pdflatex --version

Preview 28 or preview 30?

I guess you are running preview 30, and have run into this bug:


There is a patch attached to the bug report in bugzilla.  I'm waiting 
for further feedback (whether this fixes all known fonts) before 
releasing a new version, but since you seem to build Ipe yourself, you 
can just apply this patch.


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