[Ipe-discuss] [ipe-discussion] Hierarchy of an IpePath

Truong Huy Nguyen Dinh truonghuy at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 12:02:29 CET 2006

Hi all,

I'm having a few questions regarding the hierarchy of an IpePath.

1. Which IpePaths can have more than one SupPath, i.e. its  NumSubPaths() >
    (In the case of a triangle, is its NumSubPaths()  == 3 or only 1?)

2. Is there any way to remove a subpath from a path? And how can it be done
or where can I refer to regarding this?

Thank you so much for your help.

Best regards

Nguyen Dinh Truong Huy
School of Computing
National University of Singapore
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