[Ipe-discuss] Rendering of bitmapps

Johan Ingvast ingvast at md.kth.se
Thu Oct 13 13:49:35 CEST 2005

Otfried Cheong wrote:
>> However, I'd like the rendering in the Ipe editor to be better as 
>> well. There must be a parameter somewhere in the code that can change 
>> this behavior. How anybody found this? then please tell me. I also 
>> think higher resolution should be the default.
> In src/ipecanvas/ipecanvas.cpp, in IpeCanvas::RepaintObjects(), you'll 
> find:
>   IpeCanvasPainter painter(iStyleSheet, iFonts, &iOffscreen,
>                &qPainter, iZoom, false, 200);
> The last parameter 200 is the maximum bitmap size.  Change it to 2000 or 
> so.
Thanks. Now I have 600 and that makes it good enough. I found that 2000 
makes it too slow.
> This will be configurable in the next version.
>> It has been awfully quiet on this list lately. I definitely hope that 
>> it does not reflect the usage of Ipe.
> I've moved to another continent, started a new job, and didn't have much 
> time to work on Ipe.
That I understand. But there should be a possiblity to have a discussion
without you beeing involved. There are a lot of competent users out
there that can answer questions from new users.


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