[Ipe-discuss] Edit properties ipelet

René van Oostrum rene at cs.uu.nl
Fri Feb 25 15:42:03 CET 2005

  Pierre> Attached to this mail is an ipelet called "object editor"
  Pierre> that allows to edit objects inside Ipe. It do text
  Pierre> highlighting and indenting but don't expect too much, it's
  Pierre> still Beta version. Known bugs are that it flush the undo
  Pierre> ring :-! and cause crash for some invalid xml strings.

  Otfried> Actually, when I was thinking about a user interface to
  Otfried> edit objects, I was more thinking of something like the
  Otfried> xfig interface: you get a form where you can edit
  Otfried> coordinates, etc. Wouldn't a user who doesn't like to edit
  Otfried> the XML in an editor prefer not to see any XML at all?

Also, such a user interface would prevent the creation of invalid xml
strings by the user.


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