[Ipe-discuss] Bug tracking for multiple ipelet authors

Otfried Cheong otfried at kaist.ac.kr
Sun Dec 4 01:37:44 CET 2005

Rainer Typke wrote:
> Shouldn't it be sufficient to set up one component for each ipelet 
> author (e. g., "Otfried's ipelets") in Bugzilla, with the ipelet author 
> as the default assignee?

In principle, yes.  But it might be a good idea if I look at bug reports 
first - in this case, I knew immediately what the problem was and how to 
fix it, because the problem was in the interface of Ipe with the ipelet, 
which I know much better than most ipelet authors will.   On the other 
hand, if the problem had been in the computation, the bug would 
definitely have to go to the ipelet author.

We will also need a way for the sources to be maintained so that both I 
and the original ipelet author can access them (perhaps a sourceforge 
project?).   I sometimes make changes in the Ipelet interface, and need 
to make small changes in all ipelets, so I definitely want to be able to 
  access the sources for ipelets that are in the standard Ipe 
distribution.  But the original authors should (and will want to) be 
able to update their code as well.

For the moment, this is all science fiction :-)   Let's see when ipelet 
authoring becomes the rage of the moment...  In the long run, I'm 
thinking to make it possible to write more powerful ipelets that would 
have access to the mouse and keyboard (and could be used to create 
complicated objects, or do editing of objects).


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