[Ipe-discuss] Proposed change of current translation mode behavior

André Nusser anusser at mpi-inf.mpg.de
Thu Apr 20 17:33:18 CEST 2023

Hi everybody,

I already posted this on the github issues page 
(https://github.com/otfried/ipe-issues/issues/459) but wanted to get 
some more input so I now also post it to this mailing list.

I propose to change the behavior of translation mode, but would like to 
get some more input from the ipe community as this is quite a 
fundamental change.

Currently, when being in translation mode and the cursor is far from the 
object that is selected, then a closer object is selected and translated 
instead (as is also described in the ipe manual). This behavior can be 
quite frustrating, e.g., trying to translate a circle having the cursor 
on its center often does not translate the circle but another object 
that is close to the center.

There are two ways to avoid the behavior in the above example:

1. Do not only consider the boundary of the circle but also the interior 
when deciding which object to translate.
2. Change the behavior of translation mode.

I would go for the second option, and I suggest the following change:
- If an object is selected in translation mode, then always translate 
this object.
- If no object is selected, then translate the closest object to the 
cursor (which is already the case I believe); However, do not select the 
object that is being translated.

Like this, one can translate a lot of different objects without exiting 
translation mode, but one can still get the (subjectively) expected 
behavior if an object is selected. The same of course also applies to 
rotation, etc.

I'd be happy to hear if anybody has a better idea how to improve the 
current behavior or if people would prefer the behavior that I suggest.

All the best,

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