[Ipe-discuss] Shortcut problem in IPE

Jorge Guillermo Yory Castillo memo.yory at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 18:02:19 CEST 2020

Thank you, that works fine!

El lun., 5 oct. 2020 a las 17:19, Jorge Guillermo Yory Castillo (<
memo.yory at gmail.com>) escribió:

> Hello. I've added this function to actions.lua:
> function MODEL:saction_deselect_all()
> local p = self:page()
> p:deselectAll()
> end
> and I've added this line to ~/.ipe/ipelets/customize.lua
> shortcuts.deselect_all = "Control+d"
> but the shortcut doesn't work. Is there anything wrong or missing? Thanks.
> I'm working with IPE 7.2.20 in OS X 10.10.5
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