[Ipe-discuss] Error running ipe 7.2.23-1 under archlinux with lua53

Otfried Cheong ipe at otfried.org
Mon Dec 28 11:37:20 CET 2020

On Mon, Dec 28, 2020, at 10:50, benyuan via Ipe-discuss wrote:
> I found this problem might be that I upgrade the prefs.lua in 7.2.23 
> with my existing 7.2.21 prefs.lua, which missing a value for 
> max_recent_files = 12.
> I hope that there would be a better machenism on how to upgrade 
> prefs.lua (or pointing on the upgrading hint), regarding the default or 
> required values.

You should *never* make a personal copy of prefs.lua.  Instead, proceed as described in 


and only modify the preferences you actually want to change.   Then upgrading will work just fine.


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