[Ipe-discuss] use library calc tikz in IPE
Otfried Cheong
otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Sun May 5 20:52:06 CEST 2019
You can just do this one-to-one:
This goes in the Latex preamble (Edit -> Document properties).
Then put the tikzpicture environment in a text object.
Attached is the example.
On Sun, May 5, 2019, at 20:43, Tony via Ipe-discuss wrote:
> I would like to use some libraries du ipe to be able to draw simple
> functions. in order to do this, you need to implement the TIKZ package
> with the calc library.
> Using Textstudio I can write this, getting a certain result (you can
> compile to verify).
> *\documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{tikz}
> \usetikzlibrary{calc}
> \usetikzlibrary{backgrounds}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.5,
> velocity/.style= {thick,blue!15!black},
> terr/.style= {thick,gray!60}]
> ]
> \fill[terr] (-2,0) rectangle (3,-0.5);
> \draw [thick, black,->] (-2,0)--(3,0) node[right, below] {$x$};
> \draw [thick,black,->] (0,0)--(0,3.5) node[above, left] {$z$};
> \draw [very thick,black] (-1.5,0)--(-1.5,2.7) node[above, above] {};
> \fill[terr] (2.25,0) rectangle (2.15,3.5);
> \draw [very thick,black] (2.15,0)--(2.15,3.5) node[above, above] {};
> \draw[thick,velocity] plot[domain=0:15] ({ 0},{ (.2*\x)});
> \foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}
> {
> \draw[velocity,-latex] ($(-1.5,0) + {.2*(\i-0.5)}*(0,1)$) --++ (1,0);
> }
> \draw[-] plot[domain=0:15] ({ 0},{ (0.2*\x)});
> \foreach \i in {1,2,...,35}
> {
> \draw[rotate = 0,velocity,-] ($(2.15,0) + {.1*(\i-0.5)}*(0,1)$) --++
> (0.1,0);
> }
> *
> *
> *
> *\draw[thick,velocity] plot[domain=0:15] ( {(2*(1-exp(-\x/2)))*cos(5) +
> (0.1*\x)*(sin(5))},
> {-0*tan(5) + (-2*(1-exp(-\x/2)))*sin(5) + (.2*\x)*cos(5)});
> \foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}
> {
> \draw[velocity,-latex] (${-sin(5)*1*(\i-0.5)}*(0.01,0) +
> {cos(5)*.2*(\i-0.5)}*(0,1)$) --
> ++ (${2.1*(1-exp(-(\i-0.5)/2))*cos(5)}*(1,0)$);
> }
> %%-----------Altro modo rettangolo
> % \begin{scope}[on background layer]
> % \path[fill=gray!60] plot[smooth,domain=0:4] (2.3,3.5) coordinate
> (1,1)-- (2.15,3.5)|- (2.3,0);
> % \end{scope}
> %%--------------------------------
> % \node[] at (-1,2.9) {$U_\infty$};
> % \node[draw=black,fill=white] at (1.1,2.1) {$\bar{u}$};
> % %\node[] at (0.2,-0.15) {$0$};
> \end{tikzpicture}
> \end{document}*
> When I implement this on IPE (using the ipelet tikz) I can't get the
> function to draw, because the calc library is essential. how should it
> be implemented in the preamble? or in the sty file?
> Thanks
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