[Ipe-discuss] use library calc tikz in IPE

Tony iperstatica at gmail.com
Sun May 5 20:43:23 CEST 2019

I would like to use some libraries du ipe to be able to draw simple
functions. in order to do this, you need to implement the TIKZ package with
the calc library.
Using Textstudio I can write this, getting a certain result (you can
compile to verify).

{thick,blue!15!black},terr/.style= {thick,gray!60}]]\fill[terr] (-2,0)
rectangle (3,-0.5);\draw [thick, black,->] (-2,0)--(3,0) node[right, below]
{$x$};\draw [thick,black,->] (0,0)--(0,3.5) node[above, left] {$z$};\draw
[very thick,black] (-1.5,0)--(-1.5,2.7) node[above, above] {};\fill[terr]
(2.25,0) rectangle (2.15,3.5);\draw [very thick,black] (2.15,0)--(2.15,3.5)
node[above, above] {};\draw[thick,velocity] plot[domain=0:15] ({ 0},{
(.2*\x)});\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}{    \draw[velocity,-latex] ($(-1.5,0)
+ {.2*(\i-0.5)}*(0,1)$) --++ (1,0);}\draw[-] plot[domain=0:15] ({ 0},{
(0.2*\x)});\foreach \i in {1,2,...,35}{    \draw[rotate = 0,velocity,-]
($(2.15,0) + {.1*(\i-0.5)}*(0,1)$) --++ (0.1,0);}*

*\draw[thick,velocity] plot[domain=0:15] ( {(2*(1-exp(-\x/2)))*cos(5) +
(0.1*\x)*(sin(5))},    {-0*tan(5) + (-2*(1-exp(-\x/2)))*sin(5) +
(.2*\x)*cos(5)});\foreach \i in {1,2,...,14}{    \draw[velocity,-latex]
(${-sin(5)*1*(\i-0.5)}*(0.01,0) + {cos(5)*.2*(\i-0.5)}*(0,1)$) --    ++
(${2.1*(1-exp(-(\i-0.5)/2))*cos(5)}*(1,0)$);}%%-----------Altro modo
rettangolo%    \begin{scope}[on background layer]%    \path[fill=gray!60]
plot[smooth,domain=0:4] (2.3,3.5) coordinate (1,1)-- (2.15,3.5)|-
(2.3,0);%    \end{scope}%%--------------------------------%    \node[] at
(-1,2.9) {$U_\infty$};%    \node[draw=black,fill=white] at (1.1,2.1)
{$\bar{u}$};%    %\node[] at (0.2,-0.15) {$0$};

When I implement this on IPE (using the ipelet tikz) I can't get the
function to draw, because the calc library is essential. how should it be
implemented in the preamble? or in the sty file?


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