[Ipe-discuss] TikZ exporter ipelet

Joe Rabinoff rabinoff at math.gatech.edu
Tue Oct 11 17:16:03 CEST 2016

Hi everyone,

I've made some updates my TikZ exporter (and its documentation):


In addition to some improvements and bug fixes, it is now able to export
TikZ code to a text box, following Otfried's suggestion.  It works very
well (but only in Ipe 7.2.6+) -- in most of my tests, the replaced objects
are pixel-for-pixel identical.  Try viewing in Pretty mode!

This should be useful for certain workflows, and is also a great way to
find bugs in the exporter: select all, convert in-place to TikZ, and if
something moved, the exporter screwed up.  So please, put it through its
paces!  If you find any bugs, file a bug report on GitHub, with the
offending ipe file attached.  Or better yet, find the bug and submit a pull
request :)


On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Otfried Cheong <otfried at ipe.airpost.net>

> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016, at 17:42, Joe Rabinoff wrote:
> > By the way, do you have a suite of test files I can play with?  I ran the
> > exporter against some of the material on the Showcase page of the Wiki,
> > but that's not terribly systematic.
> I'm afraid I don't.  I was thinking of adding an "examples" folder to
> the distribution that exercise all Ipe features, but didn't get around
> to that (writing manual and making examples is just so much less
> exciting that writing code...).
> You could try the figures from our book:
> http://www.cs.uu.nl/geobook/figures.zip - although they are somewhat old
> and do not exercise all the new features.
> Cheers,
>  Otfried
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