[Ipe-discuss] trouble installing CGAL ipelets

Marc Glisse marc.glisse at normalesup.org
Fri Oct 30 15:35:27 CET 2015

On Tue, 20 Oct 2015, Otfried Cheong wrote:

> In Ipe 7.1.7, the file extension for dynamic library has changed from
> .so to .dylib on Mac OS X, to satisfy Apple's desire to be different.

I don't use a Mac, but my understanding is that .dylib is for shared 
libraries, while plugins are .so (or .bundle but nobody does that). And 
shared libraries can be used as plugins but *not* the other way around. 
.so seems more natural for ipelets, since I doubt you want to be able to 
link against them.

Marc Glisse

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