[Ipe-discuss] Ipe spontaneously downgrades

Monique Teillaud Monique.Teillaud at inria.fr
Thu Nov 5 14:06:36 CET 2015


I was right to be confident ;)
ipe is back to 7.1.5 again

Le 04/11/15 11:22, Otfried Cheong a écrit :
> Did you check the file modification dates?  Did anything inside the
> /Applications/Ipe.app folder get replaced since you put Ipe 7.1.8 there?

teillaud at tzitziki:/Applications/Ipe.app/Contents/MacOS >ls -l
total 8
-rwxr-xr-x  1 teillaud  admin  275 May  9  2014 ipe*

teillaud at tzitziki:/Applications/Ipe.app/Contents/Resources/local/bin >ls -l
total 968
-rwxr-xr-x  1 teillaud  admin  275000 May  9  2014 ipe*

When I launch them manually in a command line in a terminal window, I 
actually get 7.1.5...

Monique Teillaud
INRIA Nancy - Grand Est, LORIA
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique

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