[Ipe-discuss] Ipe-discuss Digest, Vol 121, Issue 2

Martin Nöllenburg noellenburg at ac.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Nov 4 12:10:48 CET 2015

Dear Monique,

I had a very similar problem two weeks ago, where my ipe 7.1.8 bundle as downloaded from Otfried’s webpage downgraded to 7.1.4 (not 7.1.5) the same way you described the problem.

What I did to “solve” the problem for me was to install ipe using macports. Since then I don’t have these surrealistic experiences any more. 

Best regards,

> Am 04.11.2015 um 11:55 schrieb ipe-discuss-request at lists.science.uu.nl:
> Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 11:55:55 +0100
> From: Monique Teillaud <Monique.Teillaud at inria.fr>
> Subject: Re: [Ipe-discuss] Ipe spontaneously downgrades
> To: ipe-discuss at lists.science.uu.nl
> Message-ID: <5639E43B.3000306 at inria.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Le 04/11/15 11:22, Otfried Cheong a ?crit :
>> I do not know much about Macs, but I'm pretty sure you can still start
>> the program by calling it from the command line - using the full path
>> /Applications/Ipe.app/Contents/MacOS/ipe.   Then at least you know for
>> sure what executable you are calling
> sure, I did that already, that executable (/script) is actually the same 
> as the one that opens when I launch ipe "in the mac way", it is consistent.
> all executables that
> sudo find / -name "ipe"
> finds are under /Applications/Ipe.app/
>> (actually this isn't the
>> executable, it's a shell script - the Ipe program itself is in
>> /Applications/Ipe.app/Contents/local/bin/ipe, I believe).
> probably /Applications/Ipe.app/Contents/Resources/local/bin
>> Did you check the file modification dates?  Did anything inside the
>> /Applications/Ipe.app folder get replaced since you put Ipe 7.1.8 there?
> yes I checked that, and it looked even more crazy:
> since I had done
> cp -r /Volumes/Ipe-7.1.8/Ipe.app .
> 	instead of sliding the icon with the mouse
> 2 days ago, the date of the folder creation/mofification was 2 days ago.
> I looked this morning, it was precisely the time when I did that cp. But 
> it was still back to 7.1.5 instead of 7.1.8.
> After I reinstalled this morning, the date is back to July 27.
>> Do you have some backup software or TimeMachine activated?
> no, my backup is just an rsync to some other place
> It's not that it is terribly hard to reinstall ipe several times a day 
> (I preciously keep the ipe dmg and the CGAL ipelets builts, so that 
> everything is fast to reinstall), but it is still somehow annoying. Most 
> of all, until we find the explanation (which might look totally trivial 
> afterwards), it is just surrealistic...
> 	Monique
> -- 
> Monique Teillaud
> http://www.loria.fr/~teillaud/
> INRIA Nancy - Grand Est, LORIA
> Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique

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