[Ipe-discuss] Fill Color for a group of strokes

Ernest Menville menville.ernest at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 12:45:03 CET 2013

Try to select all the lines and to choose "Join Paths" by the context menu.
Of cours, the lines have all to be connected.


2013/1/16 Nowoisky, Sebastian <sebastian.nowoisky at tu-berlin.de>

>  Dear All,
> I have a problem by using IPE. The problem is easy I use some strokes und
> like to collect all to a group. Whenn I fill the group with color I dont
> get a filled body, the color is filled for every stroke.
> Currently I use the spline to draw the shape of the group again and get a
> shape with a filled color as I expect. But this solution needs a lot of
> time and I think there is a better solution in IPE, isn't it?
> To see the problem I had created an small example, may you could helb me
> with an advice.
> Thank you for your great help,
>  --
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Kind Regards
> Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Nowoisky
> Technische Universitaet Berlin
> School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
> Department of Energy and Automation Technology
> Chair of Electronic Measurement and Diagnostic Technology
> Einsteinufer 17 - 10587 Berlin
> Sekr. EN 13
> room: EN 545
> phone:+49 (0)30 314 25461
> fax:  +49 (0)30 314 22120
> eMail: sebastian.nowoisky at tu-berlin.de
> web:  www.mdt.tu-berlin.de
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