[Ipe-discuss] Latex pdf output does not show miter line joins drawn in Ipe editor

Alex Koudrin alex.koudrin at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 12:29:04 CET 2012

Hi Ipe users,

I am using Ipe to draw eps figures to include in my latex document. I use
dvipdfm as the package.

I just discovered a nice feature in Ipe to make line joints sharp by
choosing "Line join = miter". However, when the eps figure is included in
my Latex document and I zoom in on the output pdf, I still see the normal
soft corners.

Does anyone know if/how this is fixable without resorting to completely
changing how I do my images such as switching to pdflatex? Perhaps I could
do something in Ipe or use a Latex package or an option for dvipdfm?

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