[Ipe-discuss] Wishes

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Mon Oct 4 09:52:01 CEST 2010

On 10/04/2010 04:41 PM, Johan Ingvast wrote:
>>> 3. Make it possible to use any editor for editing the texts, (the
>>> possibility to edit the style-sheets with favourite editor is half way
>>> there).
>> This is already possible using the "Editor" button in the text
>> entry/edit dialogs.
> Oh I see. I have not used the linux compilation for awhile. The "Editor"
> button is missing in the windowz version.

Oh - I had forgotten that I had disabled this in Windows.  I don't 
remember why - try enabling it again in tools.lua (function addEditorField).


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