[Ipe-discuss] Re: [Ipe-announce] Ipe 7.0.12 available

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Tue Nov 23 05:23:35 CET 2010

On 11/23/2010 11:00 AM, zhengdao at iastate.edu wrote:
> To reproduce it, follow the following steps:
> 1. Create some object on layer alpha. Say a box, whose bottom-left is at (0,0)
> 2. Create a new layer beta (shift-ctrl-i), and hide layer alpha
> 3. Set mode to "select", and move cursor to (0,0) and drag the invisible box.
> 4. Show layer alpha - the box has been moved.

Indeed.  Here is the simple fix (will be in 7.0.13).


Index: actions.lua
--- actions.lua	(revision 453)
+++ actions.lua	(working copy)
@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@
  	     doc[t.pno]:setVisible(t.vno, t.layer, t.visible)
+  self:deselectNotInView()

  function MODEL:layeraction_lock(layer, arg)

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