[Ipe-discuss] bugzilla gone?

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Wed Nov 14 04:43:11 CET 2007

Steve M. Robbins wrote:
> The home page (http://tclab.kaist.ac.kr/ipe/) link to bugzilla goes
> through two redirections.  This could probably be improved.

I do not maintain the Ipe bugzilla, and this helps isolate the systems.
 I don't think it's a serious problem.

> However, the main problem is that after presenting my username
> and password, I end up with a 404 (for URL
> http://http.theano.de/cgi-bin/bugzilla/cgi-bin/bugzilla/index.cgi):
>   Not Found
>   The requested URL /cgi-bin/bugzilla/cgi-bin/bugzilla/index.cgi was not found on this server.

Hmm.  I had the same problem now when logging in from the front page,
but it worked fine after first searching for some bug.

Rainer, can you look at this?

> P.S.  The mail archive (https://mail.cs.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/ipe-discuss)
> link to bugzilla is even older and points to ipe.compgeom.org.

Since Rene is no longer at cs.uu.nl, perhaps it would make sense to move
the mailing lists to luaforge.org.  Rene, what do you think?

In fact we could also use the Tracker at luaforge  instead of bugzilla.


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