[Ipe-discuss] Newbie to the list and Mandriva 2006 package

Otfried Cheong otfried at kaist.ac.kr
Mon Jan 23 17:23:01 CET 2006

Jan Hlavacek wrote:
> I don't know, I don't really see what's wrong with them. Anyway, that's 
> one toolbar I never use.  Is there any way to permanently hide a toolbar 
> in IPE?  I can close it for a session. but next time I start IPE it 
> shows up again.

Qt provides functions for saving and restoring the entire state of the 
toolbars (visibility, geometry, and all).  Ipe isn't using that yet - 
perhaps I'm happy to know that all the chaos I generate when 
experimenting will be wiped out the next time :-)

If there's a need for this, please file a feature request, and at some 
point it will bubble to the top of my list...   Alternatively, if you 
just want to get rid of the File toolbar, that could be an option in the 


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