[Ipe-discuss] [PATCH] tango-icons

Manuel López-Ibáñez manuellopezibanez at yahoo.es
Mon Jan 23 14:44:36 CET 2006

Otfried Cheong wrote:
>> Actually, the code should use different icons for toolbars and menus 
>> since menu icons are smaller. The alternative (and perhaps better) 
>> approach is to use SVG images for everything. 
> I want to use SVG images for all icons where they are available.  If you 
> already have them, could you send me an archive with the SVG versions of 
> the icons you are using?

I think I was wrong and now I am not so sure if you really need the SVG 
images because you actually only need two sizes: 16x16 for menus and 
22x22 for toolbars. So if you had different code for setting menu and 
toolbar icons, then I can generate 16x16 icons for menus and 22x22 icons 
for toolbars. A discussion of the purposes of using vector (SVG) vs. 
bitmap (PNG) can be found here [1].

You can do the changes in the code for the "document-save" icon (16x16 
version [2] and 22x22 version [3]). Send me the patch, and I will 
implement the changes for everything else.



PD: Another problem of SVG is that working with SVG icons is not the 
same as using PNG. You cannot simply replace the PNG files with SVG. I 
ignore the exact details to work with SVG icons in QT, though. (I found 
the following thread [4]). Nevertheless, you must check the 
documentation of QT4 since I am 100% sure that API changes have been 
introduced in QT4 in order to make easier the use of SVG icons.

[1] http://tango-project.org/Generic_Icon_Theme_Guidelines#Sizes

[4] http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2005-04/msg00617.html

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