[Ipe-discuss] Hyperref crashes ipe

Otfried Cheong otfried at kaist.ac.kr
Mon Jan 16 14:45:11 CET 2006

> Has anybody been able to use ipe together with the hyperref package.
> I have in my preamble:
> \usepackage{url}
> \usepackage{hyperref}
> In the document i creat a textbox with just some text (without really 
> using the hyperref package) and after pressing C-l it goes down with the 
> following message

Hyperref will create links during the latex run, destroying the 
linearity of the pdf form.

The simple answer is: don't use hyperref, or anything else that's 
supposed to create PDF hyperlinks.

Ipe has no support for links.  If such support is ever added (I'm 
certainly not planning it anytime soon), it would certainly not be 
through a Latex package.  PDF links are stored as annotations, outside 
the pages graphics contents, and quite hard to parse from the pdflatex 


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