[Ipe-discuss] Trimming Resulting PDF File

Otfried Cheong otfried at kaist.ac.kr
Sat Nov 5 04:26:06 CET 2005

>   I have the default page size set to 'letter.' But, the figure is much
> smaller than a full page. LyX is not clipping only the figure when it's
> inserted into the document.
>   PDFTK doesn't seem to have the ability to trim out all the excess white
> space on the page. Can anyone recommend a tool that will trim the saved 
> .pdf
> file so only the drawing is enclosed?

This problem occurs with pdlatex is "use cropbox" is not set - perhaps 
Lyx is doing the same thing.  Check the document properties.

Ipe correctly sets the artbox (to the bounding box) and the mediabox (to 
the paper size).  Some other software requires the crop box, though.


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