[Ipe-discuss] Difference in latex output

Johan Ingvast ingvast at md.kth.se
Sun Mar 13 19:59:46 CET 2005

Thanks for your answer. I really should have answered it myself because I
found solution, even if not the same as your gave.  I used
But that probably does much more than needed, so I like your solution

Thanks for the information about what can make the output look different.

I'm wondering. The text-snippets that is included into ipe is taken from a
run of pdflatex. And that result is also used for generating the pdf, but
how is the eps generated? Just curious.


On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, Otfried Cheong wrote:

> > I try to keep the notation in my figures to look equal in my lyx-document
> > (latex) and in the included figures. Therefore I have a style sheet that
> > includes some of my preamble of my document. However I get a difference
> There are some obvious reasons why Ipe's formatting can be different 
> from what you get in another document.  One main reason is that Ipe text 
> objects are formatted inside an \hbox.
> By isolating the text object in a separate Ipe file and then manually 
> running Ipe on the generated text.tex, one can generally figure out what 
> is going on.
> However, this is not the problem in your case:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{lmodern}
> \newcommand{\tsc}[1]{\textit{\scriptsize #1}}
> \begin{document}
>    This is it: $q_{\tsc{min}}$.
>    And again: \hbox{$q_{\tsc{min}}$}.
> \end{document}
> This gives the same output in both cases, and the error message you 
> describe:
> >  LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/lmr/m/it' undefined
> >  (Font)              using `OT1/lmr/m/n' instead on input line 54.
> You can switch all fonts to use T1 encoding by putting this in the preamble:
> \renewcommand{\encodingdefault}{T1}
> Then the error message goes away, but my dvips/yap/pdflatex could no 
> longer find the actual font.  I had to add "cork-lm.map" to the list of 
> font map files - but that might have been a problem with my miktex setup.
> Otfried

Johan Ingvast, PhD student http://www.md.kth.se/~ingvast
Department of Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
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