[Ipe-discuss] dimension feature

Rainer Typke rainer.typke at cs.uu.nl
Fri Mar 11 08:34:27 CET 2005

I find this feature very useful, and adding it to ipetoipe sounds like a 
good idea. Thank you!


> Here is an easy way to do what you want.
> First, you need to modify "src/ipetoipe/ipetoipe.cpp".  Before the lines
>    } else if (s == "-ps") {
>      return topdforps(argv[i], argv[i+1], IpeDocument::EPs, flags);
> insert this:
>    } else if (s == "-xml1") {
>      return topdforps(argv[i], argv[i+1], IpeDocument::EXml, flags);
> Then recompile ipetoipe.
> You can now create an Ipe XML file, say "test.xml".  Then run
> ipetoipe -xml1 test.xml test1.xml
> and the file "test1.xml" will contain the information you need, e.g.:
> <text layer="alpha" stroke="black" pos="103 298" type="label" 
> width="16.106" height="6.128" depth="0" valign="bottom" 
> size="normal">test</text>
> I can add this feature to ipetoipe if it's useful.
> Otfried
Rainer Typke
Universiteit Utrecht

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