[Ipe-discuss] Ipe features (was Congratulations !!!!)

Johan Ingvast ingvast at md.kth.se
Sun Feb 20 21:14:50 CET 2005

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005, Otfried Cheong wrote:

> > I really think Ipe deserve more audience
> Thanks for the compliments, but please note that this version of Ipe is
> still a preview - you should think about current Ipe users as beta
> testers. They are used to Ipe crashing and misbehaving (at least they
> don't complain very loudly).  Before Ipe can handle a larger audience, it
> needs to become more complete, and more robust.
I must object. To me ipe is already very productive. There are a few
things that make it crash, but I think I know most of those pitfalls.
So if you don't object I recomend ipe whenever I get a chance. (not on the
internet so far)

> (In fact, the Ipe path object is much more general than you seem to think.)
> >    * Edition of coordinates and other parameters of objects.
> This is also already possible, but in a kind of geeky way: Select the
> object(s), and do a "Copy".  Then paste into your favorite text editor (I
> use Emacs).  Edit the XML description of the object(s), and copy them back
> into Ipe the same way.
This is wonderful. I had no idea this was possible, and I don't think you
have it in the manual. This idea should be used much more often for
different programs.

> It would be nice to have a direct user interface for this.  This should be
> implemented by a volunteer as an Ipelet.
I agree, and then it should be possible to use the same for templates and
Are there any general xml-editors out there? Too me xml looks very regular
so it should be possible to find an editor that works for all xml-code. I
must admit that I have looked for such an editor without success, but
maybe I don't know exactly what to look for.

With an xml-editor I don't mean a plain editor that puts colors on the
marks but something more advanced that remembers what different variables
can be stored in different marks (I don't know the correct names for
xml-marks)  This way  when adding a new mark the editor would propose
properties to go with it.

If such an editor can be found then making this Ipelet should be a piece
of cace.

> >    * Intersection snap only work on lines, extend to other objects.
> One of the still missing features (see Ipe bugzilla #23)
Do you plan to make it possible to have the F3 possible to snap to a
The scissors does not work on polylines. Is that related?

> >    * More and nicer arrow.
> Also on my list of things to do (just entered it in Ipe bugzilla #82)
I'd like to suggest the standard arrow for metapost which works for most
curved lines.

> >    * More visually appealing selection mode.
> Please start a discussion about that on this list, let's see whether we
> can come to a consensus what selection should look like.

What do you mean by visually appealing? After having started to use the
third button for selection I think selection works as good as it could.
Scrolling through different objects with the space bar takes some time to
get used to but then works fine. 


Johan Ingvast, PhD student http://www.md.kth.se/~ingvast
Department of Machine Design, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
http://www.md.kth.se, http://www.md.kth.se/~cas	<--- Walking robot proj
tel +46 (0)8 790 95 36	mob. +46 (0)70 34 34 498

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