[Ipe-discuss] Jpeg images does not show.

Johan Ingvast ingvast at md.kth.se
Fri Dec 9 21:09:22 CET 2005

Jan Hlavacek wrote:

> It seems to depend on the size of the image.  Small images display fine,
> both jpeg and png, but larger images do not show in ipe. I tried to
> rescale the same image and include both sizes, and the small one showed
> fine, while the large one was only an empty rectangle.  I noticed the
> same with png images before, I thought it was a feature, to speed up the
> display process.  

Thanks for the hint, same thing for me, small images show. I made a sqare image 
and found the limit is at 200x200 pixels (png). Which happen to be my on screen 
bitmap resolution. I need to check this by changing the resolution
and yes it does. Increasing Preferences->Bitmap resolution makes the images show.

Now I guess the problem is pretty much pinpointed, we only have to wait for 
Otfried to fix the bug.


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