[Ipe-discuss] Bug in "Smallest circle enclosing points"

Otfried Cheong otfried at kaist.ac.kr
Fri Dec 2 13:04:14 CET 2005

Johan Ingvast wrote:
> This is a nice ipelet which I think is good to have. However, threre is 
> a but in it. If an object is moved the ipelet creates the circle where 
> the object first was created.  Something with transformations I guess.
> I thought I'd report it on bugzilla, but then I did not find a component 
> "Ipelets" so I hesitated. Should I put it "Ipe" or should ipelets not at 
> all go into bugzilla?

Good point.  I've created a component "Ipelets" where this can be reported.

Once there are more ipelets not written by me (like this one), I'll need 
to set up some system of handling bug reports.  For the moment, the 
"Ipelets" category will do.

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