[Ipe-discuss] something wrong with the PDF file

Hugh Pumphrey H.C.Pumphrey at ed.ac.uk
Mon Apr 25 16:31:06 CEST 2005

On Mon, 25 Apr 2005, Jan Hlavacek wrote:

> I cannot verify that, as I am at work now and only have a windows
> machine, but I seem to remember that you have to install debian package
> "lmodern" that contains the type1 version of cm fonts.  Good luck!

Not necessarily. I don't have lmodern installed on my debian (sarge) boxes
and ipe works fine on both intel and Sparc[1]. I have absolutely stock
debian tetex installed. (I know that isn't much help in finding out what
the problem is -- just be prepared for lmodern not to be the answer.)


[1] Actually, the LaTeX run causes a segfault on my Ultra 1, but that is
    because it has only 256-colour graphics. The binary works fine if it
    is talking to a different X-server that does true colour.

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Dr. Hugh C. Pumphrey          | Tel. 0131-650-6026,Fax:0131-650-5780
School of GeoSciences         | Replace 0131 with +44-131 if outside UK
The University of Edinburgh   | Email: H.C.Pumphrey at ed.ac.uk
EDINBURGH EH9 3JZ, Scotland   | web: www.geos.ed.ac.uk/contacts/homes/hcp

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