[Ipe-discuss] bugs & wish list

Otfried Cheong o.cheong at tue.nl
Tue Mar 25 16:28:15 CET 2003

 > 1) Some time after starting up Ipe, the selection doesn't highlight
 >    properly anymore. It is highlighted when I click an object, but as
 >    soon as I move the mouse, it is dimmed again, so that nothing
 >    *appears* to be selected. When I move the mouse pointer out of the
 >    Ipe window, the selection is highlighted again, until I re-enter
 >    the Ipe window.
 >    Initially, the selection highlighting is OK, and I can't reproduce
 >    what makes it misbehave.
 > 2) Some time after starting up Ipe, it seems as if Ipe misses many
 >    mouse-move events when drawing a polygon/polyline. Motion is slow
 >    and abrupt, as if Ipe gets redraw-events every .5 second or so. In
 >    fact, it reminds me of the first Linux version of Ipe 5. Again, I
 >    can't figure out what makes it behave this way.

Both of these seem to be Linux/X11 issues that I haven't seen (I have
to use Windows right now), and I don't really have time to look into
it in the near future.  One thing you can try is to disable
double-buffering in "src/ipe/canvas.cpp" (comment out the line
  iDoubleBuffer = db;

in Canvas::SetDoubleBuffer) and see whether this improves (2).

 > 3) Snap->set line (F3) and its cousin (Shift-F3) don't work for me.

No wonder---they are not yet implemented.  Probably in preview 8.

 > 4) Non-destructive select sometimes fails (and my carefully built-up
 >    selection is then destroyed). 

Did you notice that Undo will bring your selection back?

I'll try to reproduce this.

 > 6) I miss `precise stretch' and `precise rotate'! I loved those in Ipe 5!

Ipelets->Goodies->Precise stretch/rotate

 > 7) I played with style sheets, because I needed some extra colors.
 >    However, it seems that I can't use these newly defined colors
 >    (other than editing the created pictures by hand). Would be nice if
 >    newly defined colors (and line widths, font sizes, ...) would show
 >    up in the UI upon adding the style sheet.

This already works if you save and reload the file after adding the
style sheet.  Style sheet support in preview 8 is much improved
(including example style sheets in the manual).

 > 8) Configurable key/mouse bindings would be great! Especially for the
 >    stuff under the Mode menu.

In preview 8...

... which I plan to release tomorrow.


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