[Ipe-discuss] bugs & wish list

René van Oostrum rene at cs.uu.nl
Fri Mar 21 16:13:34 CET 2003


When I use Ipe (pre7 on Linux), several weird thing happen to me
(apart from getting into a higher state of consiousness), and I was
wondering if others noted these too:

1) Some time after starting up Ipe, the selection doesn't highlight
   properly anymore. It is highlighted when I click an object, but as
   soon as I move the mouse, it is dimmed again, so that nothing
   *appears* to be selected. When I move the mouse pointer out of the
   Ipe window, the selection is highlighted again, until I re-enter
   the Ipe window.

   Initially, the selection highlighting is OK, and I can't reproduce
   what makes it misbehave.

2) Some time after starting up Ipe, it seems as if Ipe misses many
   mouse-move events when drawing a polygon/polyline. Motion is slow
   and abrupt, as if Ipe gets redraw-events every .5 second or so. In
   fact, it reminds me of the first Linux version of Ipe 5. Again, I
   can't figure out what makes it behave this way.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Some other points:

3) Snap->set line (F3) and its cousin (Shift-F3) don't work for me.

4) Non-destructive select sometimes fails (and my carefully built-up
   selection is then destroyed). This seems to happen if I release the
   mouse button very fast (i.e., it seems as if the next object to be
   selected has not been found before I release the mouse button).

5) It would be nice if `Select all' would retain the primary selection
   if there is one. Not so important now, but once all these Ipe users
   start contributing ipelets that depend on the primary selection...

6) I miss `precise stretch' and `precise rotate'! I loved those in Ipe 5!

7) I played with style sheets, because I needed some extra colors.
   However, it seems that I can't use these newly defined colors
   (other than editing the created pictures by hand). Would be nice if
   newly defined colors (and line widths, font sizes, ...) would show
   up in the UI upon adding the style sheet.

8) Configurable key/mouse bindings would be great! Especially for the
   stuff under the Mode menu.

That's all for now :-)

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