[Ipe-discuss] arrow shapes

Otfried Cheong ocheong at win.tue.nl
Wed Jul 9 11:39:14 CEST 2003

 >   -  Is it possible to somehow customize Ipe to do this (ipelets)?

As an interim solution, you could indeed write an ipelet that takes a
polyline and adorns it with any kind of arrow, simply by pasting the
arrow as an Ipe object onto the polyline.  The disadvantage, of
course, is that it makes editing the polyline confusing.

 >   -  If not, what kind of arrow shapes are planned and when 
 >      approximatively is the relevant release forseen for
 >	distribution?

The current plan is to allow style sheets to define any <path> object
as an arrow shape.  So you are completely free to come up with any
kind of shape.  Before I do any work in this direction, I still have
quite a few other issues to fix, and I'm not going to work on Ipe at
all before September, so don't expect anything before late this year.

 > It would also be good to have a latex output (pstricks or xy-pic) since 
 > some journals are quite control-obsessed and want latex sources for 
 > everything.

I have no plans in that direction at all.


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