[Ipe-discuss] Text label

Otfried Cheong ipe at otfried.org
Thu Jun 6 10:34:39 CEST 2024

On Thu, Jun 6, 2024, at 09:44, RM_simulate via Ipe-discuss wrote:
> I used ipetopdf to convert a file 

ipetopdf?  pdftoipe?

> The lables defined as  "<text matrix=" can be scaled down in size very 
> nicely compared to normal ones (at least in the font I am using latin 
> modern).

By default, text in Ipe has "transformations" set to "translations", because that is nearly always what you want in scientific drawings.   If you set it to "affine", you can transform text any way you want.  If you want that to be the default, turn "Transformable text" on in the properties menu (there's also a preference for that).


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