[Ipe-discuss] use library calc tikz in IPE2

Tony iperstatica at gmail.com
Mon May 6 10:38:43 CEST 2019

 I don't understand where I'm wrong. you can check?

I need the numbers written with the cycle
foreach in {5, ..., 1}
[circle, scale = 0.6, minimum size = 0.5cm, draw = black, fill = white] at
({(160 / 3.8) * (i) -396}: 4cm) {i};
  are inside the figure. maybe i wrong the position of something?

I insert the code to compile with texstudio and file IPE



%%%------------GRAFICO RICHARDSON FLUX NUMBER---------------------
\begin{tikzpicture} [scale = 0.5,
every node/.append style={scale=1},
node font=\small,
dashed axis/.style={dash pattern=on 4pt off 2pt},
moon line/.style={dash pattern=on 8pt off 4pt},
information text/.style={rounded corners, fill=Info Color, inner sep=1ex},
\definecolor{Info Color}{HTML}{eeeeee};

\def\ax{0}; %Posizione centrale assi%
%%--Scale Factor --------------------
% Asse x e y
\draw[{Stealth[length=0.01cm]}-{Stealth[length=0.2cm]}] (-16, 0) -- (16, 0)
node [right=0.1em] {$P_{G}$}
node[pos=3.4/4.5,above]{$P_{G}\gg P_{M}$}
node[pos=1.1/4.5,,above]{$P_{M}\approx 0,P_{G}<0$}
{[nodes=prg]  node[pos=0.1]{$R_{i}=+\infty$}
    node[pos=0.9]{$R_{i}=+\infty$}}; % Asse
\draw[{Stealth[length=0.001cm]}-{Stealth[length=0.2cm]}] (0, -0) -- (0, 16)
node [above=0.1em] {$P_{M}$}
{[nodes=prg] node[pos=14/16]{CF} node[pos=12/16]{$P_{M}\gg P_{G}$}
    node[pos=10/16] {$R_{i}=0$}};

\path (6.5, 8) node [anchor=north west] {$P_{M}\approx P_{G}$}
(8.5, 8) node [anchor=south east] {CM};

\path (-11.5, 8) node [anchor=north west] {$P_{M}>0,P_{G}<0$}
(-8.5, 8) node [anchor=south east] {FTS};
\draw[{Stealth[length=0.01cm]}-{Stealth[length=0.01cm]}] (0, -0) -- (15:15)
node[prg,midway,sloped]{ $ R_{i}\approx-1$};

\draw[-] (0, -0) -- (165:15) node[prg,midway,sloped] {$R_{i}\approx+1$};

\draw[moon line] (110:15) -- (0, 0) -- (70:15);

\foreach \i in {5,...,1}
    \node [circle,scale = 0.6, minimum size=0.5cm, draw=black,fill=white]
at ({(160/3.8)*(\i)-396}:4cm) {\i};

%draw information box
\draw[shift={(6, 10)}] node[scale=\scaa,above right, text
width=5.5cm,information text] {
        \textbf{\underline{Indice}} }
    \item[CL]: Libera;
    \item[CM]: Mista;
    \item[CF]: Forzata;
    \item[FTS]: Flussi Turbolenti Stratificati;
    \item[FS]: Flussi Stratificati;
%\node[anchor=north,align=center,text width=4cm] at (0,-0.2)


priva di virus. www.avast.com
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