[Ipe-discuss] Precisely select symbols taken from component library

Christian Kral dr.christian.kral at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 10:31:27 CEST 2019


I created an electrical engineering component library in 
https://github.com/christiankral/ElectricalEngineering.isy to simplify 
the creating of electrical circuits. After developing some components I 
was running into troubles selecting symbols. As an example, please 
consider three symbols (two resistors, one disk marker) with the 
reference points show on the left in pic below; this example is 
available at 

If I assemble the symbols to a circuit the three indicated reference 
points will end up on the very same location. My question is how a user 
can select one of the three symbols systematically, e.g., to move the 
vertical resistor...

However, one could say the design of the components is in a way "wrong" 
as all components shall rather have their reference points in the 
component center. So for the resistor the reference point could be moved 
from one line end to the center of the symbol -- this were a possible 

Can anyone share his experience or make some comments on this topic.


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