[Ipe-discuss] Ipe 7.2.7 with Miktex 2.9 questions

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Mon Mar 6 00:55:44 CET 2017

There seems to be a  big misunderstanding.   You are not supposed to
look at ipetemp.pdf (how did you even find that file???) - as the name
says, this is a temporary file created by Ipe for its internal use.   
If you want PDF output, use Ipe to save in PDF format.

By default, PDF output is cropped to the bounding box - if you want the
original paper size, add the style sheet "nocrop.isy" (for A4 paper,
make your own for other paper size).

You can turn off automatic Latex running in the "File" menu, or, if you
want the change to be permanent, in "prefs.lua" (see

Looking at the screenshot, I cannot actually see anything wrong.

On Sun, Mar 5, 2017, at 23:37, C Kruger wrote:
> Hi
> I have used Ipe 6 pre28 with Miktex Basic 2.6 for many years on an old 
> laptop, but decided to install Ipe 7.2.7 with Miktex basic 2.9.6236-x64 
> on my new Win10 laptop.
> Hoping someone can help me with the follow questions:
> 1) Seems I am unable to disable "Automatic run latex" ? Also nothing  
> happens when I hit Ctrl-L. If I change the page/text, it does rerun 
> pdflatex though.
> 2) The pdf that is produced is not correct. For example, all the text is 
> on top of each other lower on the page. Lines are ignored. The saved pdf 
> input file looks closer to the truth, except the page is the wrong size.
> Attached is the screenshot, tex file and the generated pdf.
> I am fairly sure it is just a setting I have wrong somewhere, but I 
> can't find it.
> Thanks
> Christiaan

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