[Ipe-discuss] ipe dev for OS X 10.11 ?
Michael Thon
m7.thon at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 22:43:02 CEST 2015
You have several options:
1. Use the provided ipe binary, which is an app bundle that you can copy anywhere you like (usually into /Applications or ~/Applications).
2. Compile ipe yourself. For this, you need to set IPEPREFIX to where you wish to install ipe. Set it to whatever you like, e.g., ~/local.
3. Use the MacPorts version (some dependencies might not yet work for 10.11). This installs ipe into the MacPorts location you chose, usually /opt/local but this can also be anything you like.
Where did you get the idea that writing into /usr is a requirement for ipe? In fact, installing anything into /usr (even /usr/local) has been considered a bad idea for quite some time, so it makes a lot of sense that OSX now prevents this.
> On 30 Jul 2015, at 22:25, Laurent Aufrère <laurent.aufrere at free.fr> wrote:
> Hi I’m trying the new Apple OS X 10.11 « el capitan » as beta version and noticed that is not compatible with IPE 7 since writing in /usr/ directory is no longer allowed. Rewriting IPE to run it under OS X is soon intended ?
> Thx
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