[Ipe-discuss] EPS/PDF output doesn't respect layout page size

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Sat May 31 01:50:18 CEST 2014

On 31/05/14 08:01, klo uo wrote:
> I'm georeferencing partial maps, and one step of the process involves
> ipe. I got unexpected result and by tracing the cause I soon found that
> ipe doesn't output EPS/PDF as defined in layout paper size (same "paper"
> and "frame" attribute values), but it clips to the object.
> Can I instruct ipe to output the drawing as defined by layout size?

Strictly speaking, it is not Ipe that crops the drawing, but the PDF 
viewer or whatever you use to postprocess the drawing, based on the 
presence of a CropBox in the document.

You can stop Ipe from including this CropBox by setting the "crop" 
attribute in the layout to "no".   E.g. include this little style file 
'nocrop.isy' in your document:

<ipestyle name="nocrop">
<layout paper="595 842" origin="0 0" frame="595 842" crop="no" />


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