[Ipe-discuss] PDF image import

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Tue Mar 25 03:37:52 CET 2014

On 25/03/14 00:46, Frank Siegert wrote:
> In my case, the "pstoedit -f pdf" command simply drops part of the
> text. For example, when applied to the attached orig.pdf, this
> procedure looses the axis labels (-> new.pdf). And if I try with the
> more sophisticated "pstoedit -f gs:pdfwrite" I get a complete PDF but
> that doesn't convert properly to ipe anymore.

Attached is a patch for pdftoipe that handles the plusminus sign and 
defines an Ipe symbol "bullet" to be used for the dot symbols that 
pstricks creates in this weird way using a Symbol font.  This is 
somewhat of a hack and you probably need to play with the size of the 
symbol to get it to exactly match the pstricks version, but at least the 
file converts fine and looks correct.


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