[Ipe-discuss] Problem with ipe 7.1.4.

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Sat Jun 28 15:02:15 CEST 2014

First of all, you should never run ipe with sudo.  It is never 
necessary, and Ipe is not designed for security when run as root.

Second, IPELATEXDIR normally doesn't need to be set.  By default, it's 
$HOME/.ipe/latexrun, and this is the directory where Ipe will save a 
tempory latex file and where it will process this file.  You set it to a 
directory that is not normally writable, but by running Ipe with sudo 
you allowed Ipe to clutter your system directories.  Not a good idea.

Please unset IPELATEXDIR, then go to $HOME/.ipe/latexrun, and check that 
ipetemp.tex is there.  Check that you can correctly process it manually 
by saying 'pdflatex ipetemp.tex'.


On 6/28/2014 2:51 PM, Wouter Geelen wrote:
> I installed ipe 7.1.4 but I have a problem which I do not seem able to
> fix, while I have all the environment variables set correctly.
> You can read about it on,
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/187053/ipe-latex-error-with-pdflatex-command
> Further I want to note that that IPEDEBUG=1 does not seem to have any
> effect. I also do not find any logging.
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Wouter Geelen
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