[Ipe-discuss] New version of IpePlots released

Jan Hlavacek jhlavace at svsu.edu
Sun Jan 15 21:07:46 CET 2012

I have finally released new version of my IpePlots ipelet. 

The purpose of this ipelet is to make creation of plots of functions, especially the type of plots used in mathematics education, easier.

The changes include the possibility of using cubic splines (thank to code contributed by Zheng Dao) and using lua math expressions in almost all fields of the IpePlots dialogs.  The ipelet should also be more robust and less sensitive to syntax errors in entered expressions.   Finally, there is now a user manual containing several examples available. 

The ipelet is available from http://www6.svsu.edu/~jhlavace/ipeplots/ipeplots.tar.bz2 and the manual (which is included in the tar.bz2 file) can be separately downloaded from http://www6.svsu.edu/~jhlavace/ipeplots/manual.pdf

Jan Hlavacek (jhlavace at svsu.edu, (989) 964-2004)
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Saginaw Valley State University

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