[Ipe-discuss] ipelet: insert EPS/PDF/IPE figure
Zhengdao Wang
zhengdao at iastate.edu
Wed Nov 17 00:46:06 CET 2010
I am sharing with you an Ipelet that I just put together
that performs the following:
1. Take a EPS/PDF/Ipe file, and take the first page of it.
2. Make a Ipe grouped object out of the page, and insert
it on the current Ipe page at the center.
In the case where the figure has been produced by Ipe (but
must end with .eps or .ipe), then it should behave just like
Open the file and then Copy/Paste.
However, in other cases (EPS or PDF), all text will be
converted to paths first. This removes all fonts, but
produces a more faithful insert in Ipe. To enable such
conversion, the program depends on Ghostscript.
Ideally, this should work like the "Insert Image" ipelet
supplied with the Ipe package, but for EPS/PDF/Ipe files.
My intention was to use it to prepare presentations, so that
figures from other sources can be inserted easily.
I hope some of you find it useful.
-------------- next part --------------
-- epspdfipe: ipelet for drawing editor Ipe to insert EPS/PDF/IPE files
This file is an extension of the drawing editor Ipe (ipe7.sourceforge.net)
Copyright (c) 2010 Zhengdao Wang
This file can be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
3, or (at your option) any later version.
This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License at
"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html", or write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
1) Only the first page is included, even if there are multiple pages.
2) The content will be grouped into one 'group' object in Ipe.
3) The object will be inserted at the center of the current Ipe page.
4) For files not parseable by Ipe, fonts will be converted to outlines.
As such, it works best for figures that have not much text. Otherwise
the file can get big, and Ipe can get slow.
5) It depends on availability of ghostscript and pdftoipe.
6) It has not been fully tested. Absolutely NO WARRANTY.
label = "Insert EPS/PDF/IPE"
about = [[
Insert EPS/PDF/IPE files. All text converted to outlines (paths) for EPS/PDF.
function run(model)
-- get filename
dir=dir or "."
local file=ipeui.fileDialog(nil, "open", "Import EPS/PDF File",
"* (*.eps *.pdf *.ipe);; EPS (*.eps);;PDF (*.pdf);;IPE (*.ipe)",
dir, nil)
if not file then return end
dir=string.gsub(file, "(.*/)(.*)", "%1")
local tmpeps="/tmp/ipelet-eps.eps"
local tmppdf="/tmp/ipelet-eps.pdf"
local tmpipe="/tmp/ipelet-eps.ipe"
-- convert to an Ipe file if not already one
local format= ipe.fileFormat(file)
if format~="xml" and format ~="eps" then
-- convert file to IPE, all texts to outlines (paths)
if string.sub(file:lower(),-3)=="eps" then
local ret
ret=_G.os.execute(command ..
" -q -dNOCACHE -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 " ..
file .. " " .. tmpeps)
if ret~=0 then
model:warning ("fail to convert text to outline")
ret=_G.os.execute("ps2pdf -q " .. tmpeps .. " " .. tmppdf)
if ret~=0 then
model:warning ("fail to convert to intermediate PDF")
ret=_G.os.execute("pdftoipe " .. tmppdf .. " "
.. tmpipe..">/dev/null 2>/dev/null")
if ret~=0 then
model:warning ("fail to convert to intermediate IPE")
-- load the doc
local doc = assert(ipe.Document(file))
local layout = model.doc:sheets():find("layout")
local fs = layout.framesize
-- take first page from file and insert on the current IPE
-- one group object of the page content
for i,p in doc:pages() do
local box = ipe.Rect()
for i,obj,sel,layer in p:objects() do
local nx = (fs.x - box:width()) / 2
local ny = (fs.y - box:height()) / 2
local trans = ipe.Vector(nx, ny) - box:bottomLeft()
local m = ipe.Translation(trans)
for j = 1,#p do
p:transform(j, m)
local elements={}
for i,obj,sel,layer in p:objects() do
local group = ipe.Group(elements)
model:creation("create graph", group)
-- remove tmp files
files={tmpeps, tmppdf, tmpipe}
for i=1,3 do
if ipe.fileExists(files[i]) then
_G.os.execute("rm " .. files[i])
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