[Ipe-discuss] Re: Feature Request: dynamic Ipe

Günter Rote rote at inf.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jul 15 18:12:08 CEST 2010

> I am interested in the following feature:
> If I move an object (mode 't') (like a circle) all object which touch it 
> (like the end of a line) are also moved (as mode 'e').

> On 07/13/2010 11:52 AM, Otfried Cheong wrote:
>> Ipe does not support dependencies between objects, and implementing this
>> properly would be a lot of work, with many changes in the bottom layer.
>>    I have no intention of working in this direction in the foreseeable
>> future.
> Ok, thank you for your answer, I will have a look on the ipe code to see 
> if I want to start with that.
>> If this is what you need, you should probably rather try a different
>> tool, such as VRR or Cinderella.
> I do not really need it, but it would be nice. I will definetely not 
> switch to another tool, I am too happy with ipe.

Depending on what you really want, a light-weight "off-line" solution
might be not be too difficult
to implement as an ipelet: you select an "old" position
and a "new" position of a circle or line segment, and
all positions of points (like endpoints of lines)
incident with the object are moved along,
maybe even recursively.

G"unter Rote               (Germany=49)30-838-75150 (office)
Freie Universit"at Berlin                    -75103 (secretary)
Institut f"ur Informatik       FAX (49)30-838-75192

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