[Ipe-discuss] Feature Question or Feature Request or Contribution

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Tue Jul 13 11:52:51 CEST 2010

On 07/09/2010 06:31 PM, Roman Klinger wrote:
> I am interested in the following feature
> If I move an object (mode 't') (like a circle) all object which touch it
> (like the end of a line) are also moved (as mode 'e').
> Is that already possible?
> If yes, how?
> If no, is it difficult to implement? I would give it a try, could
> somebody give me a pointer where to start?

Ipe does not support dependencies between objects, and implementing this 
properly would be a lot of work, with many changes in the bottom layer. 
  I have no intention of working in this direction in the foreseeable 

If this is what you need, you should probably rather try a different 
tool, such as VRR or Cinderella.


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