[Ipe-discuss] xelatex in IPE

Otfried Cheong otfried at ipe.airpost.net
Wed Jan 13 03:26:52 CET 2010

Vafa Khalighi wrote:
>         In Ipe 7, pdflatex is used for typesetting labels and texts. It
>         would be nice to include xelatex as well as with xelatex you can
>         use any open type fonts.
>     See https://mail.cs.uu.nl/pipermail/ipe-discuss/2009-August/000859.html
> I am sorry but I do not see any sense making reasons at all that would 
> stop ipe supporting XeTeX as well.  Could you please provide good 
> technical reasons?

There is no xepdflatex.  Ipe only works with pdflatex, not with latex + 
dvipdf, because it needs to pass information through to the PDF file, 
and Ipe needs to know the exact structure of the PDF file.  It is 
already difficult enough to keep Ipe working with different versions of 
pdflatex.  xelatex is completely out of the question.


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